Friday, 30 May 2014

Just Turn Up For Practice

On how much I contemplated if I should practice in my last post, mind you, I was not being lazy, especially Thursdays being my 'must-go' practice day, just that I was feeling under the weather for the past week. Instead of doing my usual class, opted for a less vigorous hatha class followed by Led. You might be thinking Led is pretty strong class, you are right, but it was all about my own practice. Before class knowing of my injured back and hyper-mobility, my Led instructor told me to only do half of what I normally can and to engaged my muscles more. I told her I was feeling under the weather and have not been practicing much. She gave me a pat on the back and said to do what I can. I am glad I made the right choice and turned up to practice last night. Maybe it was my instructor asking how I was, maybe it was the familiar faces who I practice Led with, maybe it was me spending time on the mat. Not only have I been sick, I have been feeling pretty down lately with all the things that are happening in my life right now but for the first time all week, I had a genuine smile on my face and I actually spoke without feeling that words were forced out of my mouth.

I may not had a stupendous practice, some days you are at your best, some days you are not, but it was those other smaller things that made my night.

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